Physical Development
Physical Development
A project approach provides children many opportunities to develop their gross motor and fine motor skills. Various physical games and music-movement activities enable their gross motor development. Children also engage in many fine motor activities such as drawing, writing, clay moulding, cutting and pasting, creating models and art, using manipulative materials, etc. throughout the project.
Clay Models
Granth Ajmera
Hridya Ujalayan
Aarav Khamar
Vihaan Shah
Tavishi Patel
Hriyaan Gosalia
Viha Jhaveri
Construction of Animal homes using legos and blocks
Sr.KG- C
Kahan Sheth
"I have made a zoo. There is a tortoise, lion, tiger, cheetah and elephant. A monkey is on the den."
Ruthva displayed his fine motor skills by joining legos to make the farm house and a tall watch tower.
Hridya Ujalayan
"This is a zoo. Lion, tiger, bear and zebra are in the zoo."
Dhvet has made dog's kennel and horse's stable..
Adveya Patel
Rishvika Gupta
Animal Movements and Animal Exercises
Children enjoyed doing exercise like animals
Children enjoyed doing dog pose exercise
Yoga- Animal Yoga posture
The Jelly Fish Pose- Children doing the 'Jelly fish yoga pose'. Jellyfish pose is calming, relieves stress and helps improve digestion. It also stretches out the back of the body and strengthens the thighs and knees.
Yoga- Animal Yoga posture
The Crab Pose- Activate and strengthen their 'core' muscles. When your child does crab pose they will be activating their shoulder, back, tummy and hip muscles i.e. the muscles around their middle or 'core'. Activate and strengthen shoulder muscles.
Walk like an Animal
Siddhanth Bhatt
Jiyaan Gohil
Ishanvi Goel
Shraya Doshi
Rihaan Baxi

Diyaan enjoyed doing different animal walk

Mahira showcasing her gross motor skills and well developed body balance through different animal movements.
Palm Printing
Prahan Doshi
Aarav Jain
Akishi Agrawal
Amairah Mandaliya
Animal Drawings using numbers and alphabets
Using number 7 to draw a Dinosaur
It's wonderful to learn drawing animals with numbers.
Children learned how to draw butterfly using number-3
Children learned how to draw Jelly fish using letter-J